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Direct operator & locally owned.Sustainable, responsible & ethical tours since 1990.
Biosphere Reserve & Jungle Tours Official Operator - 1990 World Natural Heritage - UNESCO
Permits, Packages & Tours:
Office Phone: +51 84 256324
+ 51 984 673124 (24/7)
+ 51 984 652232
Australia: +61 480 157471
Mon-Sat: 8am-7pm
Choquequirao Huchuy Qosqo Lares Salkantay Short Inca Trail 2 Days. Classic Inca Trail Huchuy Qosco 1 Day trek
Inca Trail, Tours to Machu-Picchu, Alternative Treks & Jungle Trips.
Office: Calle Garcilaso 270 (near Marqueses Hotel) CUSCO
Movil/WhatsApp: +51 984 652232 (David) / +51 984 673 124 (Janet)
Office Phones: +51 084 256324 / +51 984 705090 (Margo) 24/7
www.sastravelperu.com [email protected] [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon to Sat: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm - Sun: From 4:00 to 7:30 pm
Trip Advisor: Winner Certificate of Excellence
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails." "Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
Life is a Collection of experiences... let us be your guide...!!!
SAS Travel is supporting many of the community projects run by Hotel Marqueses: Eg. "Cusco Hospital Regional Project", "Walk a Mile in my shoes", "Shoes shiners boys" If you are coming to Cusco please make a space for a couple of second hand clothes, shoes especially for kids, school equipment, toys and drop them off in our office. We will help distribute the items to people who really need them in small village schools and communities in the mountains of Lares, Amaru Choquecancha, Sacaca, Pampallaqta, Paru Paru. Thank you.
MARQUESES Boutique HOTEL is a beautiful Colonial Casona built at the end of XVII century that has recently been refurbished and renovated according to the modernity and comfort, designed for couples, families and are waiting to welcome you. The ancient stone fountain, the woodwork of balconies and doors, the colorful andean weavings and the classic paintings from the famous paintings of Cusco´s school… adds so much to its own appeal. It is great value for a lovely and safe staying in Cusco. An amazing history going back 400 years is great for classic photos. Hospitality and service are waiting to welcome you!.
Located at Garcilaso Street N° 256 (near SAS Travel.) Cusco Peru
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