+51 984 673 124
+51 984 652 232
| [email protected]
"So much more, than you were looking for !!! "
Direct operator & locally owned.Sustainable, responsible & ethical tours.
Biosphere Reserve & Jungle Tours Official Operator - 1990 World Natural Heritage - UNESCO
Permits, Packages & Tours:
Office Phone: +51 84 256324
+ 51 984 673124 (24/7)
+ 51 984 652232
Australia: +61 480 157471
Mon-Sat: 8am-7pm
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You can use the following form to contact SAS Travel Peru in Cusco, Peru for general information. We are in the process of finalising our new website and so your patience and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Please note if your query is regarding a specific program below then you can email directly to the person who will work with you on the query and tour to keep consisitency in your queries and tour / travel plans until they are finalised.
Often our customers find that none of the multiday/package tours suit their timeframes exactly but please note that 90% of the packages we do are Tailor made ie customers end up combining 3 or 4 tours of their choice, with accomodation / transport etc that suit their exact dates and interests and this is something that Soledad works on. So if you are considering this or wondering what is possible contact her directly.
Thank you for contacting SAS Travel in Cusco, Peru. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Inca Trail, Tours to Machu-Picchu & Alternative Treks Specialist !! Office: Calle Garcilaso 270 (near Plaza San Francisco) CUSCO
Movil/WhatsApp: +51 984 652232 (David) / +51 984 673 124 (Jon)
Office Phones: +51 084 256324 / +51 984 673 124 (Jonathan)
Office Hours: Mon to Sat: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm - Sun: From 4:00 to 7:30 pm
www.sastravelperu.com www.sastravelperumanu.com [email protected] [email protected]
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails." "Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
Life is a Collection of experiences... let us be your guide...!!!
SAS Travel is supporting many of the community projects run by Hotel Marqueses: Eg. "Walk a Mile in my shoes", "Wawa-Wasi", "Shoes shiners boys" If you are coming to Cusco please make a space for a couple of second hand clothes, shoes especially for kids, school equipment, toys and drop them off in our office. We will help distribute the items to people who really need them in small village schools and communities in the mountains of Lares.
Development by Jeronimo Design DDS